Chapter I:
On Ceremony and (Lesser/Greater) Magic

This is inspired by the insignifigant little nothings out there who have the misplaced notion that I might possibly care to hear their opinions on what constitutes a true Satanist, or their pathetic reasonings as to why I fail to fall into that category.

This is also for others out there who, like MySelf, are fed up with the moving mountain of shit that these ass-backwards persecutors, would-be judges, and so-called Satanists represent! To those who, like MySelf, are told by these fools that they are not a "good enough Satanist".

Let Me say that there are no "good" or "bad" Satanists; there are Satanists, and then there are fools who are looking for what they do not and/or cannot have (much like the Christians, "God bless their souls"). The latter usually appear to the former as disgruntled and rebellious teenagers (or the middle-aged who just haven't learned to grow up and face the realities of their meaningless lives) looking for a short lived ride on the rollercoaster of taboo, only to close their eyes and scream as they rush back down to the soiled ground of their unimaginative, pathetic existences!

They are usually drawn to what they have been taught to be 'dark' and unacceptable for 'decent' members of Christian society, then are driven to childish delight by the 'added bonus' of magic and the 'evil pomp' of Satanic ceremony. Of course, it isn't long before their Christian instilled fears of the unknown (yet natural) send them packing with their tails between their legs; and they soon lend their hands to the Christian community by writing books about their experiences with the 'darkside' and the 'devil'.

Now, do not think that I am giving them the credit of being creative enough to write that type of slanderous, toilet trash reading upon their own incentive. They usually fill the book with what they are inspired (told) to write by the Christian leaders of their little community's church, furthering their cause by giving Satanism the horrid reputation and name that should be reserved for their own cannabalistic, Christian morbitiy! Yet, before they turn back to their God, they still feel themselves to be an authority on Satanic criteria...

It sickens Me to find one of these lesser minds obstructing My path, drilling Me on appropriate magical practice, and hurling weak insults that I am not "one of them" and that I was obviously not serious when I "got into" Satanism.

First of all, I did not "get into" Satanism; I was born a Satanic child and grew to be a Satanic man. During the course of My life, around the age of thirteen, I took on the title of Satanist for reasons they could not possibly hope to understand. Also, if I was to have "gotten into" Satanism, the reasons would not dive to so shallow a depth as the opportunity to practice magic. There is, after all, a helluva lot more to this than the magical aspect!

Second, I am hardly hurt when told that I am not "one of them"! I revel in that fact, as I see them to be rather stupid and blind. It has been My experience that not being "one of them" is a big aspect of what sets the Satanist apart from many other walks of life.

As it is, many of these so-called Satanists mistakenly feel that they are in the position to deny Me My birthright. Furthermore, they feel that they can deny Me on the shabby and shaky grounds that I do not practice greater Satanic magic, or take part in ceremony.

Though I do not feel it necessary to explain MySelf to anyone, this does give Me the opportunity to write of My Satanic practice (or, more appropriately, non-practice) to show why and how one does not need to attain the status of Greater Warlock to be able to honestly declare, "I am a Satanist! I am ABOVE the weak and the meek!".

I take it a step further by being able to say that, without the use of greater magic, "What I want, I gain...those who anger Me pay in their own right...and those whom I love recieve from Me what I can bestow and what I feel they deserve..."

How can I do these things without the use of greater magic, but without resorting to violation of the Law? Well, I refer you to that funny little concept known as faith in one's in MySelf, combined with an inconsiderable amount of Self discipline when necessary.

Take ceremony, or group ritual; what is it? Why do Satanists take part in ceremony, and why does LaVey encourage it so?

Well, according to LaVey a group ritual is basically a reinforcement of faith. Faith, huh? Faith in ones chosen 'religion'? Not the most dignified form of faith...unless your chosen religion is yourSelf (otherwise known as Satanism).

A reinforcement of faith and a renewal of confidence in the power of magic...That's all well and good for the low in Self-esteem and the practicioners of magic, but I have felt no need, as yet, to reinforce that faith which I have in MySelf. And, as I do not practice greater magic, I need no strengthening of My magical confidence. I am perfectly content, satisfied, and, yes, even HAPPY with My daily use of the lesser magic that we all possess, but which only a number of us truly Master...

LaVey maintains that, "non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called 'LESSER MAGIC', consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which, when utilized, can 'create change in accordance with one's will'."

My interpretation of that is, "adjusting the given circumstances of any situation to suit one's own ends, through the use of persuasion, manipulation, and (My personal favourite) bull-shitting!"

I am a great believer that if you want something bad enough, then the means of getting it are widely varied. It's all a matter of perspective and the ability to percieve the correct order of priorities concerning your desires!

Are you coniving and clever? Are you dashingly handsom? Are you frighteningly homely or chillingly sinister in appearance? Well, if you understand the means of utilizing these...ahem...'qualities', as outlined by LaVey in The Satanic Witch, then you are well on your way to achieving your goals.

With the practice-perfected application of lesser magic (and the proper amount of faith placed within yourSelf), there will be almost NOTHING that you cannot achieve without turning to the sometimes inconvienently time/emotion consuming processes of the greater magic rituals!

If you would like to read more about LaVey's position on lesser magic, then I refer you to 'Theory and Practice of Satanic Magic:(Definition and Purpose of Lesser and Greater Magic)', pages 110-113 of The Satanic Bible; and also 'Choose an Image' and '"Natual" versus "Acquired" Ability', pages 15-20 of The Satanic Witch (actually, read ALL of The Satanic Witch! It may have been written for women, but a man can learn a lot from, and even apply much of what LaVey has written in it).


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